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103 N Prairie View Rd
Mahomet, IL, 61853
United States


L.L. Electronics fielded the world's first transmitters made specifically for the purpose of tracking hunting falcons in 1974, paving the way for a new industry. The concept was simple; take the existing radio transmitter technology in use and adapt it to the falconer's needs. The result was a lightweight, reliable, and powerful yet long lasting transmitter. We set the standards for reliability and performance in falconry transmitters.

LL Flasher Bell


LL Flasher Bell

from $99.00

The Flash Beeper Bell from LL Electronics is the perfect entry level locating device for apprentices and also the perfect supplemental device for experienced falconers. Using sound to help locate a hidden hawk from over 500 feet (150 Meters) away regardless of motion, soft ground cover or downed prey that would cause a conventional bell to fall silent. When the hunt lasts longer than expected the Flash Beeper Bell is great for assisting in finding a hawk in low light or no light situations. The Flash Beeper Bell with last for about 3 days on two 392 batteries. If you want a little more brightness or volume the bell will run on three 396 batteries to attain 4.5 volts for about 2 days.

Magnetic Switch:
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This is a short demonstration video of the LL Flasher Bell. The Flash is visible even in regular indoor lighting. Ambient noise in the shop was actually pretty high and the radio was even on, but the beeps ring through loud and clear. We have gone 500 feet with high noise including traffic and high winds while still being able to hear the tone.